Senator Sonya Jaquez Lewis is serving in her first term as State Senator and has been honored by the White House for her work on gun violence prevention, reproductive rights, and climate change.

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Friends and Family,

I am honored to serve the Boulder County Community, which I have cherished for more than 20 years, as the current Colorado State Senator for SD 17, where I have the honor to represent Eastern Boulder County residents of Longmont, Lafayette, and Erie.

I have also had the honor to to serve formerly as the Colorado State House Rep for HD 12.

I firmly believe that Eastern Boulder County a thoughtful, compassionate leader with a record of accomplishment at the Capitol, and I am proud to be our voice in the State Senate.  

On the Boulder County Board of Health, I voted for the first oil and gas moratorium in Boulder County, which kept oil and gas out of Boulder County for five years. I was part of the emergency response to the 2013 floods, which included housing assistance and animal care. As the former president of Boulder Pride, now called Out Boulder, I stood up for civil rights and equality. In my career as a licensed pharmacist and former Medicaid Pharmacy Director for Colorado Access I initiated the beginnings of the modern Colorado Medicaid program, which increased healthcare access to tens of thousands of Coloradans.

Now, I am grateful and proud to have been given the chance to serve our community in a bigger way. I will continue to tackle challenges ranging from protecting our community from fracking to helping working families afford healthcare and housing. I am the only healthcare professional in the Colorado State Senate. As your Senator, I promise to have an open door for my constituents. Please join me to work for a state that is safe, fair, and inclusive place for all Coloradans.

Thank you for your support!

2021 Legislative Session

2021 was a historic year for legislation that will benefit all people in Colorado! Here is the hard work that I did to benefit the state and our communites!


Sunset Prescription Drug Monitoring Program

Concerning the continuation of the prescription drug monitoring program, and, in connection therewith, implementing recommendations contained in the 2020 sunset report by the department of regulatory agencies.


Lost Or Stolen Firearms

Concerning the responsibility of an individual firearm owner to report a missing firearm.

The bill requires an individual who owns a firearm to report the loss or theft of that firearm to a law enforcement agency within 5 days after discovering that the firearm was lost or stolen. A first offense for failure to make such a report is a petty offense punishable by a $25 fine, and a second or subsequent offense is a class 3 misdemeanor. The 5-day reporting requirement does not apply to a licensed gun dealer.

The bill requires a law enforcement agency that receives a report of a lost or stolen firearm to enter information about the lost or stolen firearm into the national crime information center database and report the information to the Colorado bureau of investigation.


Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day

Concerning recognition of the thirtieth day of March as a commemorative state holiday, and, in connection therewith, designating the thirtieth day of March as “Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day”.


Reproductive Health Care Program

Concerning the creation of a reproductive health care program, and, in connection therewith, providing contraceptive methods and counseling services to participants.


Prescription Drug Affordability Review Board

Concerning the Colorado prescription drug affordability review board, and, in connection therewith, directing the board to review the affordability of certain drugs and establish upper payment limits for certain drugs; prohibiting certain entities from purchasing or reimbursing for any drug for distribution in the state at an amount that exceeds the upper payment limit established for the prescription drug; and establishing penalties for violations.


Remove Barriers To Certain Public Opportunities

Concerning measures to remove barriers to certain public opportunities.


Stimulus Funding Department Of Agriculture Efficiency Programs

Concerning additional funding for programs of the department of agriculture to support increased efficiency in agricultural operations, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.


General Fund Transfer Agriculture And Drought Resiliency

Concerning creation of the agriculture and drought resiliency fund, and, in connection therewith, transferring money from the general fund to the fund and making an appropriation.

The unprecedented 2020 Session

2020 Was a year that no one will forget. The sorrow, the loss, the heartache, and the difficult choices that we had to make as leaders. Here is a recap of the general session and the special session, and the difficult but important work thtat we did.

Voting Record and Previous Legislation 2019

In the 2019 Legislative session we passed 455 bills with over 90% Bi-partisan support. I am truly honored to  have represented  Lafayette, Louisville and Eastern Longmont as your former CO State House Rep., HD12, in Boulder County.  We passed 455 bills in the 2019 session with over 90% bi-partisan support.  Here are just a few of the highlights of 2019 bills that I Prime-sponsored or Co-sponsored.  After one of the most historic Colorado General Assembly Sessions, I believe our legislation will have a positive impact for all Coloradans. 

Yes! On Healthcare...

SB5- Prescription Drug Importation from Canada: Creates a mechanism for CO Pharmacies to import lower cost prescription drugs from Canada.

HB1131- Prescription Drug Cost Education: mandates that drug prices be shared with physicians and advanced practitioners when drug reps (Pharma) are educating them about new medications. 

HB1176- Healthcare Cost Savings Act of 2019: Creates a Healthcare cost analysis task force that will complete an analysis of 3 different healthcare financing systems: (1) our current system, (2) a multiplayer universal option, and (3) a publicly funded universal system for all Coloradans. 

HB1168- State Innovation Waiver Reinsurance Program: Assists health insurers in paying high-cost insurance claims which will reduce system-wide costs, leading to reduced premiums for all Coloradans. 

HB 1278- Treatment for Opioids and Substance Abuse Disorders: Increases access to treatment, a critical need in fighting this epidemic. 

Yes! On Mental Health

HB1269- Mental Health Parity Act: Requires insurance companies and Medicaid to cover prevention and treatment of mental health conditions parity to medical and surgery benefits. 

Yes! On Environmental Sustainability

SB181- Protect Public Welfare Oil and Gas Operations: Among the most sweeping and comprehensive reforms to oil and gas laws, SB181 requires the COGCC to prioritize health and safety in its governance of oil and gas. It also empowers local governments in the decision-making process regarding oil and gas operations within their boundaries.

SB077- Electric Motor Vehicles Public Utility Services and HB1159- Modify Innovative Motor Vehicle income tax credits: These bills extended the electric vehicle tax credit and authorize utility investment in charging infrastructure for electric vehicles.

Yes! On Economic Security and Safety

HB1322- Expand Supply Affordable Housing and HB1228- Increase Tax Credit Allocation Affordable Housing: These bills addressed affordable housing crisis by shifting funding towards affordable housing initiatives. 

HB1267- Penalties for Failure to Pay Wages: Increases the penalty for wage theft or for paying below minimum wage from a misdemeanor to a felony. 

HB1177- Extreme Risk Protection Order (“Red Flag”): Allows law enforcement to temporarily remove firearms from a person who is deemed to be a high risk for violence toward themselves or others.

Yes! On Education

HB1262- Full Day Kindergarten: Establishes universal, free, full-day kindergarten for all Colorado families.

HB1294- Transfer Apprenticeship Credit to College Credit: Creates a working group to facilitate the transfer of credits earned through construction industry apprenticeship programs to college credit.

Yes! On Social Justice

HB1129- Gay Conversion Therapy Ban: Bans the practice of conversion therapy, which seeks to change a person’s sexual orientation, on minors by licensed medical health professionals.

HB1039- Identity Documents for Transgender Persons (“Jude’s Law”): Makes it much easier for transgender Coloradans to get a new birth certificate, driver’s license or identity document reflecting the gender they identify with.

HB1124- Protect Colorado Residents from Federal Government Overreach: Strengthens protections for undocumented immigrants facing deportation from coordination with ICE

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