2024 Legislative Session
2024 was a yet another extraordinary year in the Colorado legislature. Here is the hard work that I did to benefit the state and our communities!
Mobile Home Taxation Task Force
Concerning the distraint sale of a mobile home to collect delinquent property taxes, and, in connection therewith, temporarily suspending the distraint sale of mobile homes, creating a task force on mobile home ownership and taxation, and making an appropriation.
Mod to Energy & Carbon Management Processes
Concerning modifications to processes to further protect public health in energy and carbon management.
Accessory Dwelling Units
Concerning increasing the number of converted accessory dwelling units.
Prohibiting Carrying Firearms in Sensitive Spaces
Concerning prohibiting carrying a firearm in sensitive spaces recognized by the United States supreme court as places at which longstanding laws prohibited carrying firearms.
Transparency in Health-Care Coverage
Concerning health insurance carrier price transparency requirements, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.
Prescription Drug Manufacturer Requirements
Concerning prescription drug manufacturer requirements under the jurisdiction of the commissioner of insurance.
Health-Related Research Test Subjects
Concerning standards for facilities that use test subjects in health-related research.
Prevention of Substance Use Disorders
Concerning the prevention of substance use disorders, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.
Local Government Disaster-Related Programs
Concerning assisting local governments in disaster-related programs, and, in connection therewith, establishing the slash removal pilot program and making an appropriation.