2022 Legislative Session
2022 was another busy year working hard for Colorado. Here is the hard work that I did to benefit the state and our communites!
Release Deed Of Trust Without Evidence Of Debt
Concerning the conditions under which a public trustee shall release a deed of trust.
Programs To Support Health-care Workforce
Concerning measures to support the health-care workforce, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.
Native Pollinating Insects Protection Study
Concerning a study regarding the protection of native pollinating insects in the state, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.
Wage Theft Employee Misclassification Enforcement
Concerning the modernization of procedures for the enforcement of laws governing the employer-employee relationship, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.
Residence Of Voter Whose Home Is Destroyed
Concerning authorization for a person whose residence is destroyed or becomes uninhabitable to continue to use the address of the residence as the person’s residence for purposes of voting if the person intends to return to the residence once it is replaced or becomes habitable.
Protect Health Of Pollinators And People
Concerning measures to improve pollinator habitats for the protection of the environment.
Clarifying Terms Related To Landowner Liability
Concerning clarifying certain terms as the terms relate to a landowner’s liability.
Medical Assistance Income Eligibility Requirements
Concerning aligning medical assistance income eligibility requirements with federal law.
Prohibit Hunting Bobcat Lynx And Mountain Lion
Concerning prohibitions against taking certain actions that may negatively affect certain native normally wild animals in the subfamily felinae.